Ina Sapezanskaia

(BSc student)

Ina Sapezanskaia:

- BSc (Materials’ Science, RWTH Aachen)

- "Locally selective Removal of Au-Nanodots by Microchannel Templating"

- Bachelor thesis (May 2009), Abschluß: sehr gut (1,0)

Aniek Jongerius:

- Master student

- Project: " Patterns of elasticity using a new hydrogel system "

Dr. Claudia Mariana:

- Postdoc

- Project: " Development of experimental techniques to study mechanotaxis and mechanotransduction of living cells on hydrogels "

Daniel Bünger:

- PHD student

- Project: - "Development of new 2D- and 3D-patterning methodologies for novel Biomaterials"

Jing Wu:

- MSc (Materials’ Science, RWTH Aachen)

- "Effect of (nano)topography, porosity and elasticity on cell adhesion "

- Master thesis (March 2009), Abschluß: sehr gut (1,7)

Yibing Hu :

- MSc (Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen)

- "Cytocompatibility of UV-Cured Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and Perfluorinated Polyether (PFPE)"

- Master thesis (March 2009), Abschluß: sehr gut (1,0)

New and current Members (TU-Berlin):

Finishing in Aachen:

Previous Members:

Fabian R. Menges

(BSc student)

Fabian R. Menges:

- BSc (Materials’ Science, RWTH Aachen)

- " Wetting of micro- and nanostructured hydrophobic surfaces"

- Bachelor thesis (September 2008), Abschluß: sehr gut (1,0)

Seshan Venkatesh

(Master student)

Seshan Venkatesh:

- MSc (Chalmers University, Gothenborg)

- " Transfer of bio-functionalities from gold templates onto hydrogels"

- Master thesis (June 2008)